Sunday, August 22, 2010

Steamed Chocolate Cupcake

Steamed ones actually taste much nicer than Oven Baked ones. You can whip this up in a jiffy. My family loved it and this will surely motivate me to try out more variety of Steamed Cakes.

- 3 eggs
- 150g sugar (i used only 120g)
- 1/4 tsp of salt (about a pinch)
- 100g corn oil

100g orange juice

180g plain flour (sifted0
20g cocoa powder
1 tsp sodium bicarbonate
2 1/2 tsps double action baking powder

1. Whip A until sugar dissolves and thickens. Add in B, mix until well blended.
2. Fold in sieved C, mixed until well-blended. (Remember to fold manually and not blend or whip) 
3. Pour in onto greased cupcake moulds. I used the corn oil to grease it.
4. Steam of 25 - 30 minutes per batch.
Makes about 12.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Black Sesame & Soya Milk Cake

Light and fluffy coz its made from egg whites (no egg yolk) and black sesame is good for health too.

- 50 g black sesame (toasted and blended)
- 100 g soyabean milk (best if sugar free)
- 60 g corn oil

- 150 g cake flour
- 60 g egg white (about 2 1/2 Large Eggs)

- 300 g egg white (about 6 - 7 Large Eggs)
- 120 g caster sugar

1. Warm soyabean milk and corn oil in a pot. Remove from heat and add in blended black sesame. Mix well.
2. Add in Ingredients B gradually and alternately. Mix till well blended.
3. Beat Ingredients C over high speed until it is firm and white. Pour half of the Ingredients C into mixture of A and B. Mix well and also add in remaining Ingredients C.
4. Pour the batter into a lined and greased baking pan / mould and spread evenly. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 45 minutes or till it is cooked. 

More mooncakes

Oreo Mocha Snow Skin Mooncake

Oreo Mocha Snow Skin Mooncake

Recipe for Oreo Mocha Snow Skin Mooncake
(A)  120 g water
       60 g Icing Sugar
       50 g Fresh Cream
       30 g Shortening
       1 tsp Instant Nescafe

(B) 100 g Cooked Glutinous Rice Flour (it's called Koe Fun)
      2.5 ml Coffee Emulco 

(C) 120 gm Lotus Paste (buy ready made ones)
      4 pcs Oreo Cookies (remove the cream in the middle and mashed into powder)
      20 g Cooking Chocolate (melted)

(D) 350 g Lotus Paste

1. Mix (A) together and then mix (B) together. Put both (A) and (B) into mixing bowl, process till even and divide into 5 equal portions. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
2. Double boil cooking chocolate till it melts, mix in the mashed cookies and lotus paste. Divide into 5 equal portions.
3. Divide lotus paste from (D) into 5 equal portions - 70 g per portion. Use the lotus paste (D) to wrap (C). Set aside.
4. Divide pastry from (1) into 5 portions and roll it individually into flat sheets. You can spread some of the cooked glutinous rice flour to make it less sticky.  Wrap in the filling, seal the edges with your fingers and press it into your chosen mould. Knock it out and keep in the refrigerator to store. Best eaten after 6 hours or so. If it is kept in the fridge for days it will harden and the skin will crack.

Single Yolk Lotus Paste Mooncake

Single Yolk Lotus Paste Mooncake

More Mooncake Biscuits

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mooncake Biscuits (Koong Chai Peang)

Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner and all restaurants and bakeries are all starting to sell Mooncakes already. Decided to make my own Mooncake this year (will still buy as some are just too delicious to ignore). Started with Mooncake Biscuits, least ingredient, easiest to make. Since it turned out yummy I will proceed to the next level. Lotus Paste Mooncake, Snow Skin Mooncake (my favourite) and Jelly Mooncake HERE I COME!

1. 200g Golden Syrup (you can actually make this yourself but I went the easy way and bought ready made golden syrup from Bake with Yen).
2. 1/4 tsp of bicarbonate of soda (sifted)
3. 3/4 tbsp alkaline water
4. 50g corn oil

Combine all the ingredients in a basin (big mixing bowl). Mix with a wooden spoon and allow to rest for 4 - 5 hours.

Ingredients: 300g plain flour (sifted) and thick soya sauce for colouring only.

Add thick soya sauce and stir well. Fold in sifted flour gradually and mix evenly to form a smooth, soft dough. DO NOT KNEAD. Let dough rest for 6 - 7 hours.

Preheat oven to 180C.
Divide dough into small portions. Dust with a little flour and press into desire mould. (I used my silicon moulds, will try to use Cookie Cutters next time as I think they may be better). Knock out on a greased baking tray or lined with baking parchment. Bake in pre-heated oven at 180C for 8 minutes.

Remove tray from the oven and leave for 1 - 2 minutes. Brush biscuits with egg glaze and bake again for 6 -7 minutes or until golden.

Ingredients for the Egg Glaze: 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp water, pinch of salt. Mix well and strain.

(The first batch where I used Thick Soya Sauce for the Egg Glaze, turned out darker than expected)

Recipe from At Home with Amy Beh